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Imports System.Xml |
Public Class DataAccess |
Private Structure ItemName |
Friend Const sEmployee As String = "employee" |
Friend Const sID As String = "id" |
Friend Const sName As String = "name" |
Friend Const sBirthday As String = "birthday" |
Friend Const sPostId As String = "postid" |
End Structure |
Private DataFile As String = |
System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() & "\employee.xml" |
Private oXmlDoc As XDocument |
Public Sub DataCreate(ByVal TargetEmployee As Employee) |
Dim NewRecord As XElement = |
New XElement(New XElement(ItemName.sEmployee, |
New XElement(ItemName.sID, |
TargetEmployee.ID), |
New XElement(ItemName.sName, |
TargetEmployee.Name), |
New XElement(ItemName.sBirthday, |
TargetEmployee.Birthday), |
New XElement(ItemName.sPostId, |
TargetEmployee.PostID))) |
oXmlDoc.Root.Add(NewRecord) |
oXmlDoc.Save(DataFile) |
End Sub |
Public Sub DataUpdate(ByVal TargetEmployee As Employee) |
Dim rs = |
From o In oXmlDoc.Descendants(ItemName.sEmployee) |
Where o.Element(ItemName.sID).Value = |
TargetEmployee.ID |
With rs.First |
.Element(ItemName.sID).Value = |
TargetEmployee.ID |
.Element(ItemName.sName).Value = |
TargetEmployee.Name |
.Element(ItemName.sBirthday).Value = |
TargetEmployee.Birthday |
.Element(ItemName.sPostId).Value = |
TargetEmployee.PostID |
End With |
oXmlDoc.Save(DataFile) |
End Sub |
Public Sub DataDelete(ByVal TargetID As Integer) |
Dim rs = |
From o In oXmlDoc.Descendants(ItemName.sEmployee) |
Where o.Element(ItemName.sID).Value = |
CType(TargetID, String) |
rs.First.Remove() |
oXmlDoc.Save(DataFile) |
End Sub |
Public Sub FileLoad(ByVal list As System.Collections.IList) |
oXmlDoc = XDocument.Load(DataFile) |
Dim rs = |
From o In oXmlDoc.Descendants(ItemName.sEmployee) |
For Each v In rs |
Dim oEmployee As New Employee With { |
.ID = v.Element(ItemName.sID).Value, |
.Name = v.Element(ItemName.sName).Value, |
.Birthday = v.Element(ItemName.sBirthday).Value, |
.PostID = v.Element(ItemName.sPostId).Value |
} |
list.Add(oEmployee) |
Next |
End Sub |
Public Sub New() |
If System.IO.File.Exists(DataFile) = False Then |
Dim XMLFileFormat As String = |
"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?><root></root>" |
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(DataFile, XMLFileFormat) |
End If |
End Sub |
End Class |
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